Our average tutor delivers 3-4 classes per week. Each class consists of approx. x4 students. The courses are priced at £400-£700 per student area dependent. Therefore lucrative margins are obtained.
Dive into the wild world of hair extensions! Learn the juicy history of hair extensions, where the hair comes from (spoiler: it’s not all from unicorns), the art of colour matching, how to spot synthetic imposters, and a whole lot more!!
Having spent thousands of pounds on "human hair extensions" I started to get fed up with finding plastic strands in my batches. I made it my duty to research the quickest & easiest ways of testing extensions which I share with you in this guide.
Are you interested in learning how to teach Microring Hair Extensions? Our comprehensive course offers a complete package that includes L3 qualification, theory and practical assessments, as well as guidance on implementation and course delivery.
24 x £145.83
Become a hair extension educator | 3 hair extension methods | The course combines assignments, L3 quals, theory and practical assessments, implementation and delivery of your extension courses, academy set-up, marketing strategies + much more.
24 x £124.79
Online Hair Extension Courses Arkitect Hair Extension Academy boasts over 10 years experience in the delivery of 12 accredited hair extension courses. We have certified students from both the UK and overseas. Our student portfolio consists of novices
These techniques have been combined as it has been proven that they can be taught and performed to a high standard within the allocated timescale. Our unrivalled theology work & access to our online portal will be granted once you sign up.
Our course material is home grown. Taken from years of immersing ourselves in the industry and travelling the globe to gain valuable insight into the hair extension industry.
Practical: Application using the relevant hair extension tools provided on a 100% human hair training head.
Assessment via: Photography & videos. Supporting documents: Lesson plan & assessment sheets.
Note* We will never advance learners onto the next row without obtaining perfection as we journey up the head.