Our average tutor delivers 3-4 classes per week. Each class consists of approx. x4 students. The courses are priced at £400-£700 per student area dependent. Therefore lucrative margins are obtained.
These techniques have been combined as proven to be the most popular methods in today's ever-changing market. 5 method Online Hair Extension Course. Easiring™ Microrings fitted in 30mins | Nanorings | Braidless Weave | Keratin Bonds | Tapes
9 x £55.44
Learn how to fit Microring hair extensions safely and effectively with our super popular, beginner-friendly course! Our ABT Accredited Hair Extension Course includes a professional training kit and can be completed from the comfort of your own home.
Learn how to fit Nanoring hair extensions safely and effectively with our super popular, beginner-friendly course! Our ABT Accredited Hair Extension Course includes a professional training kit and can be completed from your premises.
Fit Microbead hair extensions safely, in 30 minutes instead of the standard 2-4 hours. That's x5 faster than your competitors. Serve more clients per day | Increase revenues | Establish a healthy work-life balance.
Learn how to fit Tape hair extensions safely and effectively with our super popular, beginner-friendly course! Our ABT Accredited Hair Extension Course includes a professional training kit and can be completed from your premises.
Learn how to fit the Braidless Weave hair extension method with our super popular, beginner-friendly course! Our ABT Accredited Hair Extension Course includes a professional training kit and can be completed from your premises.
Our course material is home grown. Taken from years of immersing ourselves in the industry and travelling the globe to gain valuable insight into the hair extension industry.
Practical: Application using the relevant hair extension tools provided on a 100% human hair training head.
Assessment via: Photography & videos. Supporting documents: Lesson plan & assessment sheets.
Note* We will never advance learners onto the next row without obtaining perfection as we journey up the head.