Our average tutor delivers 3-4 classes per week. Each class consists of approx. x4 students. The courses are priced at £400-£700 per student area dependent. Therefore lucrative margins are obtained.
Learn how to fit Keratin hair extensions safely and effectively with our super popular, beginner-friendly course! Our ABT Accredited Hair Extension Course includes a professional training kit and can be completed from your premises.
Learn to Teach Hair Extensions | 5 method course | Assignments | L3 qualification | Theory and practical assessments | Implementation and delivery of hair extension courses | Running your classes | Marketing strategies + much more
24 x £166.58
Our course material is home grown. Taken from years of immersing ourselves in the industry and travelling the globe to gain valuable insight into the hair extension industry.
Practical: Application using the relevant hair extension tools provided on a 100% human hair training head.
Assessment via: Photography & videos. Supporting documents: Lesson plan & assessment sheets.
Note* We will never advance learners onto the next row without obtaining perfection as we journey up the head.